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Journal Articles

Levin-Asher, B., Cohen, S., & Kishon-Rabin, L., (2023). The influence of low socioeconomic status on infant vocal production. Dash Bareshet, 42, 38-61

Levin-Asher, B., Segal, O., & Kishon-Rabin, L., (2023).

The validity of LENA technology for assessing the linguistic environment and interactions of infants learning Hebrew and Arabic. Behavior Research Methods, 55(3), 1480-1495

Grinberg, D., Levin-Asher, B., & Segal, O., (2022).

The myth of women's advantage in using Child Directed Speech: Evidence of women vs. men in single-sex-parent families, Journal of Speech language and Hearing Research, 65(11), 4205-4227

Other publications

Cohen, S., Levin-Asher, B., Levi, M., Hamburger, A., & Kishon-Rabin, L., (2022).

Tel Aviv University Helps Bridge Linguistic Gaps in School-Age Immigrant Children; Preliminary Outcomes of a Language Intervention Program (LIP). In: Developing Language and Literacy. Studies in honor of Dorit Diskin Ravid

Levin-Asher, B., & Kishon-Rabin, L., (2022)

Vocal learning in human infants: A new perspective on monologues. Poster presented at the research fair of the Faculty of Medicine at Tel Aviv University in 2022

Cohen, S., Levin-Asher, B., & Kishon-Rabin, L., (2022)

Translational research in language intervention: Implementation and evaluation of an academic program to reduce language gaps among preschoolers from low-income families. Poster presented at the research fair of the Faculty of Medicine at Tel Aviv University in 2022

Levin-Asher, B., & Kishon-Rabin, L., (2019)

Multimodal communication at the age of three months predicts later language development. Poster presented at the research fair of the Faculty of Medicine at Tel Aviv University in 2019

Preprint / In Press / Under review / In preparation

Levin-Asher, B., & Kishon-Rabin, L., (Submitted).

Temporal Synchronization Patterns of Multisensory Behaviors at 3 Months: A New Approach for Predicting Language Development

Gvirsman, O., Levin-Asher, B., & Gordon, G. (Submitted). Comparison of Joint Media Engagement between Tablets and Social Robots

Levin-Asher, B., Lipsker, E. Shahar, S. & Kishon-Rabin, L., (In preparation). 

AI Based Model for Automatic Coding of Pre-Linguistic Behaviors in Infants

Shira Cohen*, Bonnie Levin-Asher*, Ori Yogev, Liat Kishon-Rabin. (In preparation)

iScreen: A Novel Screening Tool for Early Detection of Communication and Language Delays in Infants

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